Which is the Most Likely Way That a Governor Would Increase Revenue For a State?

Lucas Green


What is the most likely way that a governor would increase revenue for a new budget. That answer will come in a few forms. A good one will say that he is looking at all of the various ways that the state government can raise its revenues. While many states have already done this, some have not. It does not mean that they are leaving the door wide open to more revenue.

A good idea would be to take a look: At some of the revenue possibilities that exist right now in the state of Arkansas. One way that the state government has done so is to increase the cigarette tax. Many citizens have been complaining about this because it increases costs, but it is working to help increase revenue. After all, it is a tax that is already in place and many residents would simply have to pay more money if they did not have it.

Another way that a governor might consider changing: How revenue is raised would be to change which types of goods and services are available in the state. Right now, some items are considered necessities. Those items include items such as food, shelter, clothing and healthcare. All of these must be provided for people and it is just reasonable to raise the revenues to make sure that everyone gets what they need.

A different type of item that might be considered would be property tax: Some residents in Arkansas have been asking for an increase in this area recently. Property tax is assessed at a certain rate and it is based on the value of a home. If that home sells for more than a certain amount then the residents of the county will owe property tax. However, there are many who believe that this tax should not continue to be levied because it is no longer sustainable.

A third option for increase in which is the most likely way: That a governor would consider would be to change the licensing system for drivers. Currently there are several kinds of identification that can be used to get a driver's license. Some of the options include photo identification, electronic signature or a traditional stamp. Changing this system could mean revenues for the state.

There are a number of ways: That a governor could change how revenue is raised for his state. Each of these options have their own benefits and drawbacks. However, if you are looking for a way which is the most likely way that a governor would increase revenue for a particular state then you should consider the methods mentioned above. As each of these options are being looked at right now by different states across the country, you will want to make sure that you research each of them carefully before making your final decision.

Lucas Green

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